Thursday, December 30, 2010

darling baby

Dear darling little baby. Mommy has what you need. I have two arms to hold you and two lips to kiss you. I have my heart to love you and what else can a baby need? The special bond between Mommy and baby is so dear and I just want to coddle you and fall all over your every sweet gesture. I bet this is exactly what baby needs.

Momma Shirley
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Monday, December 13, 2010

Grumpy Babies

See this grumpy kitties? With all of the hustle and bustle of the Holidays can lead to grumpy babies. Here are somethings that you can do to keep happy in the madness.

* get a nap-sometimes we all really need one
* don't over schedule yourself , be realistic in the events and responsibilities you can take on
*think about the summer months when it's freezing outside and you just want to lay on the beach

Momma Shirley
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Friday, December 3, 2010

sicky boy

Poor baby is feeling down. I want my friend baby g to get well soon. The flu can be nasty honey so get plenty of rest and do what your doctor said, he is looking out for you. Remember the sooner you get better the sooner you can have some fun so take care of yourself babyg.

Momma Shirley
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