Tuesday, March 29, 2011

adult babies

I love all of you ab's and sissies so very much. You're a pleasure to speak with and a joy to play with. It makes me so happy when I hear about you shy ones coming out of your shell a little bit though. Especially those who come out of their shell and stand up for themselves.
You can be sweet as sugar and also not take any crap. Don't let anyone make you feel badly for being the special imaginative little adult baby that you are.

Mommy Shirley

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ab and Mommy too

Would you look at how cute that beach baby bath tub is? I just wish I had one large enough for my little adult babies to splash around in. It's just precious. Do you like your bath time? It's so much fun when Mommy gets you into the tub and washes you from head to toe isn't it little baby? If you're a splasher though you might end up washing Mommy too!

Mommy Shirley

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