Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We just had a slumber party in the abdl chat room and I was thinking about all of the adorable pajamas I like to put on sissies. How sweet you sissy babies look when your Mommy dolls you up in ruffles and silk. I know you appreciate how soft it feels on your skin don't you? Do you like to get dressed up in nightgowns and sleep like a sissy angel?

Mommy Shirley 1-888-430-2010$1.99 a min.-$2.50 connection feeUS and Canada$2.99 a min.-$2.00 connection feeInternationalBilled discreetly as Madison Enterprise

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ab dl mommies and daddies celebrate

It's time to celebrate the 4th of July sweet abys and diaper lovers. Oh and it is time for all of the ab mommies and daddies and ab sitters to celebrate too. What do you do to celebrate this wonderful holiday?

I plan on going to a parade and cooking like crazy for all of my family and neighbors. I've been working a little bit more over at the Veteran's center here and I'll probably take some food there too.

Then after the sun goes down and I get to hear that familiar sound of fireworks, I love fire works. How will you feel about the loud booms? Are you a scared adult baby when you hear loud noises? I bet the mommies will be right here for you if you do.

Mommy Shirley1-888-430-2010$1.99 a min.-$2.50 connection feeUS and Canada$2.99 a min.-$2.00 connection feeInternationalBilled discreetly as Madison Enterprise

Saturday, April 30, 2011

ab boy

Mommy's lil ab boy needs to have his diapy changed doesn't he? I see you crawling to Mommy with that saggy bottom and that ever so familiar smell. Someone popped their diaper for Mommy. It was you wasn't it honey bun? It's OK we can just change that poppy bottom right up. Don't cry baby, it's alright.

Mommy Shirley1-888-430-2010$1.99 a min.-$2.50 connection fee US and Canada$2.99 a min.-$2.00 connection fee International Billed discreetly as Madison Enterprise

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

adult babies

I love all of you ab's and sissies so very much. You're a pleasure to speak with and a joy to play with. It makes me so happy when I hear about you shy ones coming out of your shell a little bit though. Especially those who come out of their shell and stand up for themselves.
You can be sweet as sugar and also not take any crap. Don't let anyone make you feel badly for being the special imaginative little adult baby that you are.

Mommy Shirley

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ab and Mommy too

Would you look at how cute that beach baby bath tub is? I just wish I had one large enough for my little adult babies to splash around in. It's just precious. Do you like your bath time? It's so much fun when Mommy gets you into the tub and washes you from head to toe isn't it little baby? If you're a splasher though you might end up washing Mommy too!

Mommy Shirley

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day honey! Cute as a button and sweet as can be. Happy Valentines Day for you from me.

I wish that I could cover you in kisses and hugs and pick out cute conversation hearts to share with you. I would give you other sweets too.

I hope that your Valentines Day is marvelous and full of love.

Mommy Shirley

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Snow Baby Jim

It's a snowy winter Birthday for Baby Jim. I wanted to wish him a very Happy Birthday though. Honey, I hope that you have one memorable Birthday in 2011. I've enjoyed our friendship and play times that we've shared and I want to celebrate your Birthday too. Be good and safe and most of all have a great time celebrating.

Mommy Shirley

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mommy loves

Hiya honey bunny! So a few of you babies have been asking me to tell you more about myself. You want to know what Mommy likes besides sissy babies and diapers. I can do that. You babies have to promise me to tell me about yourselves too though OK?

Mommy loves sweet movies, pepperoni pizza with lots of cheese, snow on the ground, sand on my feet, kittens,puppies,baby animals of all sorts, feel good movies and books, good old classic rock music, being at the park, being with my family and my friends, making new friends, helping people, being helped when I am feeling down,roller coasters,cherry drinks and ruffles.

I hope that this helps some of you get to know Mommy a bit. Now darlings it's your turn.

Momma Shirley
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